Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Citrus Slices and a boost of Immunity

Everyone in our house is sick! Ugh! Baby boy, me, and the boyfriend. None of us are getting any sleep from it either. I came down with it first (which is strange to me, since I barely leave the apartment) then the baby got it, and then the boyfriend. Me and the baby seem to be feeling better (thanks to a special gift of yarn from the boyfriend) but now he's sick and it seems to have hit him a lot harder than me and the baby. Poor guy.

I haven't had as much time to crochet as I would have liked as I normally sneak it in during nap times. Part of me is excited to be done with maternity leave because I'll get to speak with adults and have "adult time" and I'll have just a little bit more time to crochet. However, I know I'll miss the baby more than I'm willing to admit right now. 

Here are the citrus slices I have almost finished for the birthday scarf I'm working on for my friend April. She knows I'm making it. All I have left to do is weave in ends and embroider on the slice pieces. I didn't have a lighter green so the lime is a little weird, but eh. She's ok with the weirdness. I'm using Caron Simply Soft yarn and it is making the scarf super soft - but it curls a little. I'm hoping if I wash it and dry it flat that will help with the curling.  The pattern is from Twinkie Chan's Crochet Goodies for Fashion Foodies. 

I hope I have the scarf finished by her birthday - I should have it finished. The days I work are slow days so I'll have time to sit down, rest, and crochet.  

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