Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Scarf and some Cables

So, I finished the angel stitch scarf I was working on. It measures to be about fifty inches long. It's not a long scarf by any means, but it's not a super short one either. Either way I'm proud of it. :)

                                                     It's lacy, but the wool makes it warm. 
After finishing that I decided since it was flippin cold over here in Minnesota that I would work on an ear warmer for myself with yarn I got for Christmas from a friend of mine. Caron Simply Soft Party in the green. It's sparkly. I like it. I'm experimenting with doing cables on it. I figured since it's a smaller project that if I didn't like the cables it wouldn't be that big of a deal to frog it and start over. This will be the first project I'll have made for myself. 

I'm about halfway done with this and will probably finish it later today. Maybe I could sneak it into my work meeting and work on it there. 

After I finish this it's back to work on the citrus slice scarf for my friend's birthday. I have 5 slices out of 17 done. It doesn't sound like much is finished but the slices whip up pretty quickly. 

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