Sunday, January 27, 2013

Lazy Sunday

Today little man is full of smiles which is so much nicer than when he's being crabby baby. It's nice to get back into our routine. I've been thinking quite a bit lately about how he used to be so little, fitting in the middle of the Boppy pillow comfortably.

Little Man - 1 week old. He'll be two months old tomorrow (1/28) Yikes.

 We're getting family pictures taken on Tuesday from a friend of ours for free, she's a photography student and wants the experience. In return I'm thinking of possibly making some baby photography props for her future business.

Little Man on Tuesday after a bath.

I've been looking more and more for patterns for little boys for toys, or possible Halloween costumes. (Really early I know, but I'm a slower crocheter) I have a pattern for a shark costume that I think I may have to make for him. We've been calling him "Shark Bait" since he was two days old. He sounded like the fish tank friends from Finding Nemo when they christened him "Shark Bait." 

"Shark Bait, Ooh, Ah, Ah."

When he cried he made the "Ooh, Ah, Ah," noise. He smiles a lot more lately and for that I am incredibly happy. He makes me smile so much I like knowing I make him happy too!

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