Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Mission Statement and New Beginnings

Hello and Happy New Year!

 I'm not a big person for keeping up with resolutions, but the one thing I wanted to try this year was to have a blog to document my crochet work and probably some life stories too.

I've tried different formats for blogs - tumblr, wordpress.... I'm trying to figure out which avenue of blog site I like best.

Some things to know about me:

I love to crochet. I know, I know... a crochet blog from a person who only just somewhat enjoys crochet would be pointless. ;)

I am a new mom - I recently had my first baby, a little boy, in the beginning of December. I love him, and I sneak in my crochet when he naps. (Blogging too!)

I'm really good at starting projects - but not so good at finishing them. I am getting better though!

Some things I really want to make but just haven't yet:

T Shirt yarn rug. I think it would be an excellent way to get rid of some old T Shirts and using them for another purpose. I've also seen scarves/cowls made out of them and I think that's a neat idea too. I just need to get a couple of bigger hooks.

I want to learn how to do some lace work crochet. It would be time consuming and detail oriented which is something I might have to wait to do until the baby is a little bit older, possibly when he's a teenager. (Haha...)

I want to design something and either sell the pattern. I also want to distribute free patterns for designs since I know how much free patterns have helped me learn and expand my crochet ability.

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